#!/path/of/delegated += ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## A default configuration file for DeleGate version 9.X ## ver.0.1, 2014-10-19, Yutaka Sato ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - This is an example of a configuration file of DeleGate. ## - The "configuration" of DeleGate is a list of parameters (or options) ## which can be given in command line options, in configuration file, ## in environment variables, and so on. ## - A "configuration file" of DeleGate is a plain text file including a ## list of configuration parameters one per line. ## - The "default" configuration file is the one named as "XXX.conf" that is ## loaded on invocation of an executable file of DeleGate named as "XXX". ## - Category of parameters ## ==A ... access control ## ==C ... configuration file ## ==D ... deployment of directories ## ==L ... logging ## ==N ... networking ## ==P ... application server ## ==R ... resource restriction ## ==S ... daemon and service ## - Multiplicity of parameters ## [0-1] ... at most one is given ## [0-n] ... can be given multiply ##==C [0-1] ---- delegated.conf ----------------- DEFAULT CONFIGURATION FILE #@ ${EXECDIR}/${EXECNAME}.conf[.txt] ... the default configuration file ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - To be detected as the "default configuration file" by DeleGate, ## this file must be located at and named as: ## /path/of/delegated.conf[.txt] ## where the path of the executable file of DeleGate is: ## /path/of/delegated[.exe] ## - More generally, it must be EXECDIR/EXECNAME.conf[.txt] where EXECDIR ## is the directory under which the executable file of DeleGate is, and ## EXECNAME[.exe] is the name of executable file. ## - On Unix, an EXECNAME file can be a symbolic link to the executable file ## so that each symbolic name has each configuration file. ##==L [0-1] ---- -vQ -------------------- TRACING CONFIGURATION FILE LOADING #@ -vQ ... quietly loading the default configuration file #@ -vq ... suppress messages for all configuration files (loaded by +=URL) ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - Uncomment the following line to suppress the message shown on the ## invocation of DeleGate as "#### loading default conf: ..." # #-vQ ##==D [0-1] ---- DGROOT ---------------------------- DELEGATE ROOT DIRECTORY #@ DGROOT=dirPath ... the root directory of DeleGate ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - The root directory of DeleGate under which all of directories of ## DeleGate are located by default. ## - DeleGate can load multiple configuration file but only the "default ## configuration file" can set DGROOT value. ## - It can be specified as an absolute path like bellow: #DGROOT='/home/${HOME}/delegate' # the default on Unix #DGROOT='C:/Program Files/DeleGate' # the default on Windows ## - Or it can be specified as a relative path from the executable file ## of DeleGate using the string '${EXECDIR}'. ## - '${EXECDIR}' is substituted by the path of directory under which the ## executable file of DeleGate is located. ## - For example, if the path of executable is ## ".../DGroot/etc/delegated.exe" then the ${EXECDIR} points ## ".../DGroot/etc", thus "${EXECDIR}/.." points ".../DGroot". # DGROOT='${EXECDIR}/..' ##==C [0-1] ---- common.conf --------------------- COMMON CONFIGURATION FILE #@ ${DGROOT}/common.conf ... common configuration file ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - "common" configuration files is commonly used among DeleGates that uses ## the same DGROOT. ## - It is loaded unconditionally if exists. ##==C [0-n] ---- +=URL --------------- LOADING CONFIGURATION FILE EXPLICITLY #@ +=URL ... loading configuration file from the specified URL ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - If the URL is a relative path, it is relative from the configuration ## file that includes it. ## - Configuration file can be loaded recursively. # #+=http://server/path/dgconf.txt #+=/path/of/dgconf.txt #+=dgconf.txt ##==D [0-1] ---- LDPATH ------------------------------------ DYNAMIC LIBRARY #@ LDPATH=listOfDirectory ... search path for dynamic libraries #@ DYLIB=listOfNamePattern ... name pattern of dynamic libraries ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #LDPATH='${ETCDIR};${LIBDIR};${HOME}/lib;/usr/lib;/lib' #DYLIB='lib*.so.0.9.8,lib*.so.1,lib*.so' ##==L [0-1] ---- ADMIN --------------------------------------- ADMINISTRATOR #@ ADMIN=mailAddress ... mail address of the administrator ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - The address is used to notify fatal "incident" to administrator ## from DeleGate via mail. ## - "Incident" includes a detection of an attack from intruder. # #ADMIN=foo@bar.baz ##==N [0-1] ---- RESOLV ------------------------------- HOST NAME RESOLUTION #@ RESOLV=orderOfResolver ... order of trial of resolution methods:server #@ RES_AF={46,64,4,6} ... order of IPv4 and IPv6 ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - Controls the behavior of host-name resolver of DeleGate. ## + orderOfResolver is a list of followings: ## - cache: cache file for "dns" and "sys" bellow. ## - file:pathOfHosts ... file in the format of /etc/hosts ## If the path is a relative one, it is searched under DGROOT/etc. ## - dns:DNSserver ... DNS server. ## - sys ... the resolver of the host system. # #RESOLV=cache,file,dns,sys # typical configuration #RESOLV=cache,file:hosts,dns:,sys ##==N [0-n] ---- HOSTS ---------------------------- HOST AND LIST DEFINITION #@ HOSTS="nameList/addressList" ... #@ HOSTLIST="name:listOfHosts" ... ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - HOSTS pre-defines the on-memory cache of the resolver of DeleGate. ## It can be used to define hosts that are unresolvable by resolvers ## listed in RESOLV. ## - HOSTLIST defines a named list of hosts to be referred like a host name ## in mathching of access control list (ex. REACHABLE), routing (ex. ## FORWARD), MOUNT, and so on. # #HOSTS="localhost/" #HOSTS="{host1,host2}/" #HOSTS="host3/{,}" #HOSTLIST="reachable:host1,host2,*.dom1,!*.dom2.dom1,!" #HOSTLIST="unreachable:!reachale" ##==R [0-n] ---- MAXIMA ---------------------------- RESOURCE USAGE LIMITTER #@ MAXIMA=what:maxValue ... ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #MAXIMA=delegated:64 # limit parallel DeleGate processes #MAXIMA=standby:32 # limit parallel resident DeleGate processes #MAXIMA=conpch:16 # limit parallel connection from a client host #MAXIMA=listen:16 # limit the backlog length of the entrance socket ##==R [0-n] ---- TIMEOUT ------------------------------------------- TIMEOUT #@ TIMEOUT=what:timeOut ... ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #TIMEOUT=io:60 # breaking idle connection to terminate the session #TIMEOUT=standby:30 # exit of resident DeleGate on no client connection #TIMEOUT=dns:10 # giving up DNS response of too long latency #TIMEOUT=http-cka:30 # breaking idle HTTP connection in keep-alive ##==D [0-1] ---- LOGDIR ------------------------ LOGGING DIRECTORY AND FILES #@ LOGDIR=logDirectory ... directory under which logfiles are located ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #LOGDIR=${DGROOT}/log # the default #LOGDIR=/var/spool/delegate/log ## ## - Logfiles can be split day by day using "[data+format]" specifier ## where "format" is the one like in strftime() function. ## - For example, "%y", "%m" and "%d" mean two digits representation of year, ## month and day. ## - The following is the recommended one that will be the default in future ## version of DeleGate. With this parameter, the logfile of HTTP in 31 ## October 2014 is "DGROOT/log/y14/m10/31/80.http". # #LOGDIR='log[date+/y%y/m%m/%d]' # split logfile day by day #PROTOLOG='${LOGDIR}/${PORT}.${PROTO}' # the default ##==S [0-1] ---- -r -------------------------------------- RESTARTING DAEMON ## -r ... restart after terminating current daemon process ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - The process-id of current daemon is recorded in ## '${DGROOT}/act/pid/${PORT}' where '${PORT}' is the "primary" port of ## the daemon. ## - The "primary" port is the one of entrance ports given firstly in "-P" ## or "-Q" option. ## - With "-r" option, DeleGate kills currently running DeleGate daemon ## process by SIGTERM, and wait until the process releases the entrance ## port. ## - This option is applicable to a daemon on Unix, or a daemon running in ## foreground on Windows. # #-r ##==S [0-n] ---- SERVCONF -------------------- RESTARTING SERVICE ON WINDOWS #@ SERVCONF=[yesall|auto|demand] ... starting services without interaction ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - DeleGate on Windows become a service of name as "DeleGate-P8080" ## - It starts with interaction with the user on the console as follows: ## 1) stop the current service if running ... asking [y]/n ## 2) delete the current service if exists ## 3) create a new service ... asking [y]/n ## 4) set automatic start of the service ... asking [y]/n ## 5) start the new service ## - SERVCONF=yesall ... sets "y" for all interaction 1),3),4) ## - SERVCONF=auto ... sets "y" for 4) ## - SERVCONF=demand ... sets "n" for 4) #SERVCONF=yesall # restart without interaction #SERVCONF=auto #SERVCONF=demand ##==S [0-n] ---- -f ---------------------------------- RUNNING IN FOREGROUND #@ -f[v] and -v[v] ... running in foreground ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - running DeleGate in foreground mainly for testing and debugging. ## - In this mode, DeleGate is kept connected to the console (tty) from ## which it is invoked so that it can put log messages to the console ## and can be terminated with Control-C. ## - Also DeleGate stays on the working directory of the parent process ## (shell command usually) by which it is invoked so that configuration ## files and core files are get from or put to the working directory. # #-f # Running in foreground #-fv # like -f, putting log both to console and log file. #-v # Running in foreground, putting log to console #-vv # like -v, with detailed log ##==L [0-1] ---- -v ------------------------------------------ LOGGING LEVEL #@ -v[stud] ... log detailness level ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-vd # detailed #-vs # silent #-vt # terse #-vu # usual #-vS # suppress "PROTOLOG" for HTTP (as 80.http) and FTP (ex. 21.ftp) ##==A [0-n] ---- RELIABLE --------------------------------- RESTRICT CLIENTS #@ RELIABLE=hostList ... list of client hosts to be accepted ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - A comma separated list of client hosts to be accepted, in host name ## or IP address. ## - wild card matching as *.subdoamin.domain ## - "*" matches any hosts ## - negation by "!" prefix ## #RELIABLE="localhost,,!10.1.2.[5-7]" #RELIABLE="+," # #RELIABLE="*" # running as a server open to public ##==A [0-1] ---- REACHABLE -------------------------------- RESTRICT SERVERS #@ REACHABLE=hostList ... server hosts to be reachable ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - A comma separated list of server host to be allowed to be connected. ## #REACHABLE="*" ##==A [0-n] ---- PERMIT ---------------------- RESTRICT CLIENTS WITH SERVERS #@ PERMIT="protoList:servList:clntList" ... permit by combination #@ REJECT="protoList:servList:clntList" ... reject by combination ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #PERMIT="+:.reachable:.reliable" ... default #PERMIT="*:*:*" ... fully open ##==A [0-n] ---- AUTHORIZER --------------- AUTHENTICATION AND AUTHORIZATION #@ AUTHORIZER=listOfAuthMethod ... authentication and authorization of users #@ MYAUTH=user:pass ... auth. info to be sent to server (by proxy) ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## #AUTHORIZER=-list{user:pass},-pam #AUTHORIZER=-dgauth{user:pass} ... digest authentication (HTTP only) ##==N [0-n] ---- FORWARD ---------------------------------------- FORWARDING #@ FORWARD=gwproto://[gwuser:gwpass@]gwhost:gwport[-_-protoL:servL:clntL] #@ SOCKS=host[:port] ... upstream SOCKS server #@ PROXY=host[:port] ... upstream proxy in protocol proto of SERVER=proto #@ SSLTUNNEL=host:port ... upstream HTTP proxy as a SSL-tunnel ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - Forwarding to upstream proxy server. ## - Upstream proxy is one of SOCKS, application proxy (HTTP or FTP), or ## SSL-tunnel(HTTP proxy). ## - FORWARD is a generic parameter for forwarding. It defines an upstream ## proxy by its protocol (socks, http, ssltunnel, etc.), its host and port, ## and user name and password if necessary. ## - Multiple FORWARD can be specified and one of them are selected based ## on protocol, server and client. ## - Examples: #FORWARD=socks:// #FORWARD= # applicable when client's protocol is HTTP #FORWARD=ssltunnel:// ## - Examples: The above can be abbreviated as the bellow. #SOCKS= #PROXY= #SSLTUNNEL= ##==N [0-n] ---- -P -------------------------------------- LISTENING CLIENTS #@ -Pnnnn or -Qnnnn ... entrance port for clients ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - The entrance port(s) on which DeleGate listens and accepts connections ## from clients. # #-Q8080 #-Qlocalhost:8080 #-Q192.168.1.1:8080 #-Q8080/http #-Q1080/socks ##==P [0-n] ---- SERVER ---------------------- PROTOCOL OF CLIENT AND SERVER #@ SERVER=protocol[://server[:port]] ... protocol with clients ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - The protocol in which DeleGate communicates with clients. ## - If a server is specified, DeleGate forward its request to the server ## in the protocol with clients. # #SERVER=ftp #SERVER=http #SERVER=smtp #SERVER=socks #SERVER=http://host.domain #SERVER=tcprelay://host.domain:22 #SERVER=udprelay://host.domain:53 #SERVER=tcprelay://odst.- # transparent proxy ##==P [0-n] ---- MOUNT ------------------------- MAPPING VIRTUAL TO PHYSICAL #@ MOUNT="vURL rURL mountOptions" ... serving as a server and a proxy ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #MOUNT="/* file:data/www/*" # an HTTP origin server #MOUNT="/* http://server/* nvhost=xyz" # virtual hosting #MOUNT="/xyz/* http://server/* # reverse proxy #MOUNT="/xyz/* ftp://server/* # protocol translation #MOUNT="/xyz/* sftp://server/* # protocol translation #MOUNT="foo@bar smtp://server/foo@bar" # mail routing #MOUNT="/-/ = AUTHORIZER=-list{adm:xyz} # access control #MOUNT="/-/builtin/* data:builtin/* # customizing builtin data ##==N [0-n] ---- STLS ----------------------------------------- SSL WRAPPING #@ STLS={fsv,fcl}* ... inserting SSL filter #@ CERTDIR=dirPath ... location of certificates #@ TLSCONF=options ... configuration and debugging of SSL behavior ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - do on-demand TLS, STARTTLS (or STLS), with client and server # #STLS=fcl # wrapping communication with server by SSL #STLS=fsv # wrapping communication with client by SSL ##==C [0-1] ---- END ----------------------------- ENDING CONFIGURATION FILE #@ END ... ending configuration file ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- END Lines in a configuration file after "END" is ignored. ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- ANNEX ##==C [0-1] ---- DGOPTS ----------------- OPTIONS IN AN ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE #@ DGOPTS="-opt1;-opt2;..." ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - This parameter is for giving options starting with "-" in a environment ## variable. #DGOPTS="-Q8080;-r;-vd" ##==C [0-1] ---- -eNAME=VALUE ---------------- DEFINING ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE #@ -eNAME=VALUE ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## - Defines an environment variable of name NAME with value VALUE to be ## used in DeleGate or its libraries. # #-eTZ=JST #-ePATH=/usr/bin:/bin ##==C [0-1] ---- scripts ----------------- CONFIGURATION BY SCRIPT LANGUAGES To configure DeleGate reflecting the system environment or so, it should be invoked by a script language, like /bin/sh for example. It is recommended to define dynamic configuration in a script language, static one in a configuration file, then load it by +=URL notation in the script. [console] $ export LD_DEBUG=symbols $ sh httpd.sh -fv [httpd.sh] #/bin/sh . dgcommon.sh DGEXE=/path/of/delegated $DGEXE -P80 +=dghttpd.conf $* [dgcommon.sh] #!/bin/sh export MALLOC_CHECK_=2 if [ "$OS" = "Windows_NT" ]; then epoxrt DGROOT=C:/delegate else epoxrt DGROOT=$HOME/delegate fi [dghttpd.conf] +=dgcommon.conf SERVER=http HTTPCONF="max-ckapch:8" HTTPCONF="methods:GET,POST" MOUNT="/* file:data/www/*" RELAY=no [dgcommon.conf] ADMIN=foo@bar.baz RESOLV=cache,sys ##==C [0-1] ---- NAME="VALUE" ------------------------------------ QUATATION ## - Quations for a parameter value is not necessary in a configuration file. ## - But it is recommended to do so to be compatible with the notation in ## script languages so that it can be moved between script file and ## configuration file without modification. #==C [0-1] ---- #!magic -------- CONFIGURATION FILE AS AN EXECUTABLE SCRIPT On Unix or Cygwin, a configuration file can be used as an executable script. To do so, the configuration file is needed to be with executable flag set, and the file starts with a line as this: #!/path/of/delegated += ############################################################################