PageViews: 566 / 426 / 335 hits / 83 nets since Jun 28 2020
Access Counter and Statitics
<TITLE>Mails Incoming to DeleGate.ORG</TITLE>
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<DIV id=docdiv style="width:54em">
<TABLE cellspacing=0 width=100%><TR align=right><TD>
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<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=100%><TR bgcolor="#F0F2F0"><TD>
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<H2 id=subtitle>
Incoming Mails to DeleGate.ORG (weekly)
<DIV width=100% style="background-color:#f0f2f0">
<font face="Times New Roman">
Summary: Only
<!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#accepted" fmt="%T" -->
mails are accepted over
<!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#sessions" fmt="%,T" -->
incomming SMTP sessions so far in this week.
<DIV width=100% style="background-color:#f0f2f0">
<font face="Times New Roman">
Almost all of mails are from <font color=red>SPAM</font>mers.
They come from all over the world as the map bellow shows, maybe via bot nets.
Their SMTP sessions are blocked effectively by DeleGate as a
<A HREF=/delegate/Manual.shtml?serv_SMTP>SMTP</A> server
(with <KBD>SMTPCONF=reject</KBD>),
and then filtered based on their message contents (as To, From,
Subject, Content-Type, text in body or so) by
<A HREF=/delegate/Manual.shtml?SMTPGATE>SMTPGATE</A>.
<PRE style=color:000000>
Description: DeleGate.ORG SMTP Server (incomming sessions)
Server: smtp://
Since: <!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#sessions" fmt="%tC" -->
Hits: <!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#sessions" fmt="%V / %U / %T (%mX / %mU / %mT per day)" -->
Clients-Networks: <!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#sessions" fmt="%N nets" --> (of 10bits mask, max. 1024)
<small><!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#sessions" fmt="<font face='courier new'>%M</font>" --></small>
<PRE style=color:000000>
Description: DeleGate.ORG SMTP Server (accepted mails)
Server: smtp://
Since: <!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#accepted" fmt="%tC" -->
Hits: <!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#accepted" fmt="%V / %U / %T (%mX / %mU / %mT per day)" -->
Clients-Networks: <!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#accepted" fmt="%N nets" --> (of 10bits mask, max. 1024)
<small><!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#accepted" fmt="<font face='courier new'>%M</font>" --></small>
Masked IP-addresses of recently visited SPAMmers :-)
<PRE style=color:000000>
<!--#echo var=PAGE_COUNT url="smtp://_me_/#sessions" fmt="<font face='courier new'>%L</font>" -->
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Yutaka Sato @ DeleGate.ORG